Colacicchi — Villa Bardini, Florence 2014
Images of rhythm and light in 20th-century Florence
Curators: Mario Ruffini and Susanna Ragionieri
Museo di Villa Bardini
2 Costa San Giorgio, Florence

This major retrospective exhibition dedicated to the artist by the Bardini Peyron Foundation was the idea of Mario Ruffini, director of the Music and Figurative Arts research projects of the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz — Max-Planck-Institut, with the invaluable collaboration of the art historian Susanna Ragionieri, the most important expert on the work of Giovanni Colacicchi.
Friday April 18 – Sunday October 19, 2014
The show at one of Florence’s most beautiful exhibition venues in the heart of the city, in a garden just above the banks of the river Arno with magnificent views, traced the remarkable career of this figurative artist whose continuity of style accompanied his entire artistic output right up to the end of his life. Appointed Director of the Accademia di Belle Arti at the end of the Second World War he was also a central figure in the cultural life of Florence, amply documented in the exhibition catalogue.